
Wednesday May 27, 2020
Season 2 Trailer
Wednesday May 27, 2020
Wednesday May 27, 2020
Six Cold Feet is a fiction anthology podcast about music, mystery, and the places we escape to when the real world disappoints us. Season 1 told the story of River, who is looking for his recently disappeared sister. Season 2 follows the story of Athena, who is hired to write a biography of her hero; the mercurial singer-songwriter Juliet Knives. She quickly discovers that Knives has been keeping secrets for many years, and that she might be finally ready to confess…
Written by award-winning author J.M. Donellan and performed by a cast including Melanie Zanetti, Kate Logan, Jessica McGaw, and Tom Yaxley this series will leave you pondering long after the final episode sings through your speakers.
The Juliet Knives soundtrack EP is now available on bandcamp, Spotify, iTunes and all other music platforms.

Monday May 25, 2020
s2 ep10 - Fade Into You
Monday May 25, 2020
Monday May 25, 2020
In the season finale, Athena answers some difficult questions at the launch party for her biography of Juliet Knives. Dylan makes her an unusual offer, and a journalist hands her a recording that might just change everything...
CAST: Kate Logan, Jenna Saini, Jessica McGaw, Melanie Zanetti, Damien Campagnolo, Tom Yaxley, Scott Mercer, Josh Donellan.
The Juliet Knives soundtrack EP is now available on bandcamp, Spotify, iTunes and all other music platforms!
Order Rumors of Her Death from Barnes & Noble
MUSIC by Kate Logan, Scott Mercer, Adele Pickvance, and Ash Shanahan (aka Adele & the Chandeliers). Check out their new single Something Good Is Happening.
If you're enjoying the show, we'd love you to become one of our wonderful patrons on patreon, leave a review on your favourite podgetting thing, or to tell people about it in a very loud voice accompanied by flailing hand gestures.

Monday Apr 20, 2020
S2 ep 9 - Army of Me
Monday Apr 20, 2020
Monday Apr 20, 2020
Sydney, 1999. Juliet Knives meets with the Many Wives and begins the Invitation Only tour; a tour that will be unlike anything she, or any other musician, has ever undertaken...
The Juliet Knives soundtrack EP is now available on bandcamp, Spotify, iTunes and all other music platforms!
Order Rumors of Her Death from Barnes & Noble
CAST: Hayley Francis, Kate Logan, Elizabeth Best, Jenna Saini, Jessica McGaw, Melanie Zanetti.
MUSIC by Kate Logan, Scott Mercer, Adele Pickvance, and Ash Shanahan (aka Adele & the Chandeliers). Check out their new single Something Good Is Happening.
If you're enjoying the show, we'd love you to become one of our wonderful patrons on patreon, leave a review on your favourite podgetting thing, or hire a flash mob to tell people about it.
This week's testimonial is from Jamieson Ridenhour and Hayley Heninger, the creators of Palimpsest, a hauntingly beautiful podcast you should definitely be listening to.

Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
S2 ep8 - Don’t Speak
Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
Athena wakes up in the boot of a car, and things only get weirder from there...
The Juliet Knives soundtrack EP is now available on bandcamp, Spotify, iTunes and all other music platforms!
Order Rumors of Her Death from Barnes & Noble
CAST: Melanie Zanetti, Hayley Francis, Jessica McGaw, Jenna Saini, Damien Campagnolo.
If you're enjoying the show, we'd love you to become one of our wonderful patrons on patreon, leave a review on your favourite podgetting thing, or hire a town crier to yell about it.
This week's testimonial is from Hannah Fry, who would like to promote the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre.

Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
S2 ep7 - Ordinary Angels
Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
Athena travels to Sydney and finally meets the victim of the 97 arena gig, as well as the son of one of the Many Wives of Juliet Knives. She returns home where she is welcomed by a surprise visit from some very unexpected guests...
The Juliet Knives soundtrack EP is now available on bandcamp, Spotify, iTunes and all other music platforms!
Order Rumors of Her Death from Barnes & Noble
If you're enjoying the show, we'd love you to become one of our wonderful patrons on patreon, leave a review on your favourite podgetting thing, or hire a skywriter to say how much you love it.
This week's Juliet Knives testimonial is from Alex C. Talendar, writer of the immersive and mysterious sci-fi podcast Ostium.
CAST: Melanie Zanetti, Elizabeth Best, Hayley Francis, Jessica McGaw, Liam Soden, Jenna Saini, Tom Yaxley.
Check out Elizabeth's podcasts Castology and Ghosts of Boyfriends Past.

Wednesday Feb 12, 2020
S2 ep6 - Silent All These Years
Wednesday Feb 12, 2020
Wednesday Feb 12, 2020
Dylan reveals a long buried secret from Juliet's past. Athena leaves town to go searching for answers.
Ryan provides some valuable tips on funeral etiquette.
The Juliet Knives soundtrack EP is now available on bandcamp, Spotify, iTunes and all other music platforms!
Order Rumors of Her Death from Barnes & Noble
Thanks to our wonderful patrons on patreon, we couldn't do this show without you!
This week's Juliet Knives testimonial is a very special contribution featuring Beatrix and Bob from the sci-fi dark comedy podcast Civilized, which you should definitely be listening to!
CAST: Melanie Zanetti, Jessica McGaw, Hayley Francis, Tom Yaxley, Damien Campagnolo, Jenna Saini, Liam Soden.

Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
S2 ep5 - Confide In Me
Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
Things take a surreal turn when Athena visits Juliet Knives' biggest fan. Later on, she receives a strange and threatening call...
Order Rumors of Her Death from Barnes & Noble
Special thanks to Kaitlyn Plyley for this week's Juliet Knives testimonial.
Thank you as always to our wonderful patrons on patreon, who make this show possible.
CAST: Melanie Zanetti, Helen Stephens, Jessica McGaw, Tom Yaxley.
MUSIC by Kate Logan, Scott Mercer, Adele Pickvance and Ash Shanahan.

Wednesday Nov 20, 2019
S2 ep4 - Untouchable Face
Wednesday Nov 20, 2019
Wednesday Nov 20, 2019
Karen and Athena visit Juliet's house to pick up some treasured items, but they are joined by a pair of sinister and unexpected arrivals. Athena discovers some of Juliet's lost recordings, and makes contact with an old friend who may hold the key to revealing what happened at that fateful gig in 1997.
Order Rumors of Her Death from Barnes & Noble
Special thanks to Erin and Lee from Love and Luck podcast for contributing this episode's Juliet Knives testimonial. Make sure you also check out their new podcast Supernatural Sexuality with Dr. Seabrooke.
Thank you as always to the wonderful people who support us on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/sixcoldfeet
CAST: Jessica McGaw, Melanie Zanetti, Tom Yaxley, Jenna Saini, Helen Stephens, Hayley Francis and Merlin the Wonder Dog.
MUSIC by Kate Logan and Adele Pickvance & the Chandeliers (Scott Mercer and Ash Shanahan). Go and check out their new single German On My Mind.

Tuesday Oct 29, 2019
S2 ep 3 - Sour Times
Tuesday Oct 29, 2019
Tuesday Oct 29, 2019
Sydney, 1997. Juliet plays her infamous gig at the Arena, but her set is interrupted by an unexpected catastrophe which will change her life forever.
Order Rumors of Her Death from Barnes & Noble
Thanks to all our supporters on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/sixcoldfeet
CAST: Kate Logan, Damien Campagnolo, Tom Yaxley, Melanie Zanetti, Jenna Saini, Liam Soden, Scott Mercer, Helen Stephens, Jessica McGaw
CROWD: Maria Hutchinson, Reece Lawrence, Troy Henderson, Nicky Nic-free-face, Jill Pettipas, Phony Negroni, Frenchy McFrenchface, Georgia Potts, Erik Veland, Beck Adams + a bunch of really other fabulous people who drank, danced, yelled, cheered and screamed.
Music by Kate Logan and Adele Pickvance & the Chandeliers (Scott Mercer and Ash Shanahan). Keep your ears peeled for the Juliet Knives EP later this year.
Extra special thanks to James Fearn-Wannan and the Bearded Lady for recording and mixing the live songs. The full set will soon be available to our Chorus level patrons.

Wednesday Oct 16, 2019
S2 Ep2 - The Drama You’ve Been Craving
Wednesday Oct 16, 2019
Wednesday Oct 16, 2019
Juliet is devastated by a recent loss, and is acting more erratic than usual. She hints that she's recording new material, and keeps mentioning someone called Drew. Athena receives some tragic news of her own, and Juliet gives her a mysterious and potentially life altering gift...
This show is made possible by our incredible supporters on Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/sixcoldfeet)
Order Rumors of Her Death from Barnes & Noble
Thanks to Chris Magilton from Among the Stars and Bones for this week's Juliet Knives testimonial.
Cast: Melanie Zanetti, Jessica McGaw, Damien Campagnolo, Hayley Francis, Kate Logan, Tom Yaxley, Merlin the Wonder Dog.
Written by J.M. Donellan. Music by Kate Logan and Cherry Dove.